Nearly one out of every four American adults report having a disability, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). That amounts to nearly 61 million citizens with physical or mental conditions that affect their daily activities, and many of...
Our Blog
Obtaining disability insurance for those with Autism
The world can be a strange and uncomfortable place for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Even those with milder versions of the condition can face serious challenges in their development and ability to hold a job. As often as people with ASD misunderstand...
A closed window on your claim may open the door to back pay
Life can throw a lot at you, especially when you’re learning to live with a new disability. A flood of forms and court dates can make it hard to keep up, and before you know it you’ve missed your appeal. If the state denies your claim for Social Security Disability...
Welcome To Our Blog
We established this blog to share stories and information about topics relevant to our practice. Our intent is to regularly provide posts highlighting legal issues of local, state and national interest that we think you will find interesting. Check back later for...